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Greetings - Clean Break Order (financial order mid divorce)

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  • Greetings - Clean Break Order (financial order mid divorce)

    Hello all, thank you for clicking on my post,*

    Very new to the forum, looking for a pat on the hand and maybe some recommendations.*

    I am in between my Decree Nici and my Decree Absolute after using the .Gov online site to apply and progress my divorce, I have managed this all by myself, I cant recommend using the site highly enough, it has saved me a lot of money and wasn't difficult at all.*

    However I am now stuck, to protect my NHS pension and the*1 in 45,057,474 chance I win the lottery I need to have a Clean break - financial agreement drafted and submitted to the court along with a*application for a financial order and statement of information form.*

    I cannot use a draft copy from the internet and enter in the details for the clean break order, it MUST be done via a solicitor.*

    I find it barmy that I could get myself divorced but in case I win the lottery I need to have a solicitor do the work for me, my ex partner and I are in agreement regarding finances, he sticks with his, I stick with mine, we have no assets or children to deal with.*

    The list of solicitors available is very long however I am in a rock and a hard place regarding costs, I am an NHS worker so money is very tight but do not qualify for financial aid.*

    This is why I need the pat on the hand, I feel hopeless that ill need to save for a year to get the money together with many solicitors quoting more than the cost of the divorce but it means I cannot apply for my Decree Absolute until I have saved and paid for the documents and that means the nightmare continues and I was so happy with myself navigating the legal system this far.*

    I guess i'm asking, if its true and I really cant fill in the forms myself and draft a letter? does anyone recommend a Solicitor, I spend hours on websites looking for quotes and then the review sites, ( I know to steer well clear of the online sites like quickiedivorce etc)* one chap is within my price range but has no reviews other than one mention on here which wasn't a good one so i'm very concerned I could be taken for a fool and I cant afford to just lose money.*

    I apologies for the long welcome post.*

    I hope everyone is safe and well, wash your paws and stay healthy!*


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