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Gross misconduct

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  • Gross misconduct

    Hello, new member here
    i was recently suspended and then dismissed for gross misconduct, it resulted from an incident that happened outside my workplace. My employer went down the correct procedures (suspension meeting dismissal and finally appeal).for this, apart from possibly not sending me the outcome of the appeal as said in an email. The incident involved me and a customer and me receiving money from said customer outwith work. This happened in a competitors business and no official complaint was made. The general manager of the competitors business then proceeded to try and call my general manager and after a few days the made contact with each other and discussed what had happened mentioning names of myself and other customer(gdpr breach). I then went through the normal process of investigation meetings and told my version of events. I was dismissed for gross misconduct saying this wasn’t acceptable as the person was a customer on both premises, my workplace and the competitors. I told them that there is many people who are in relationships l, friends and even family and there was no official place in what to declare it. I worked at the company for 15 years with an immaculate record.
    Sorry if got confusing but I don’t want to give too much awayas the sector is relatively small and names of businesses or that could give away potential information. It is currently with Acas but reached over 3 weeks now and have not heard from the person dealing with it.

    Any thoughts or help?
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