had a student loan from 1996-1999 while doing my degree as a mature student. As my wages never reached the amount to pay it or was jobless sometimes I made arrangements to pay the amount of £15.00 monthly since 2012 up to July 2019 and from the age of 53 to 70 years old. Link started harassing me for the amount of 1,000s pounds. July 2019 asked help from the Legal Advice in Hackney who advised me to cancel the direct debit as due to my age and by the loan agreement it had to be cancelled. So why is LINK harassing me to pay the full amount lying that I failed some payments despite having already sending bank statements that the £15.00 had gone to the Honours Loans every month non stop?* Really upsetting and disturbing
had a student loan from 1996-1999 while doing my degree as a mature student. As my wages never reached the amount to pay it or was jobless sometimes I made arrangements to pay the amount of £15.00 monthly since 2012 up to July 2019 and from the age of 53 to 70 years old. Link started harassing me for the amount of 1,000s pounds. July 2019 asked help from the Legal Advice in Hackney who advised me to cancel the direct debit as due to my age and by the loan agreement it had to be cancelled. So why is LINK harassing me to pay the full amount lying that I failed some payments despite having already sending bank statements that the £15.00 had gone to the Honours Loans every month non stop?* Really upsetting and disturbing