Hi I recently had moved and have had a dispute with my nabours over locking of my side gate witch Leeds to the front of the property and straight out onto a public foot path I for a month request he keped it locked arfter using it I gave them a key to the lock as they told me they have access right and there is a gate into my garden from there's my landlord told me they only have the right to take there bins out frew my garden but they claim they have full access 24/7 and when I stopped them by changing the locks because they refused to lock in arfter using it and left my garden unsecured they got there landlord round who said he will have the gate ripped down and have me charged for blocking access when the deeds say they have 24/7 access bair in mind there Gate Leeds straight onto my bathroom window my partner felt uncomfortable wile I was out as well and now won't use the shower when I'm not in as they was standing in my garden outside the bathroom window wile she was showering and they claim they only have one front door key and he uses my garden as main access to his garden I have purchased copies of the deeds and land layout there is no mention at all of them having access right in any way what so ever and nothing on the drawings in fact it clearly lines out that my garden and house is mine my boundary with no access cut frews lined out what can I now do to clearly line out to them and there landlord that what I say goes they have no say in the matter and leagaly are they tre
spassing when entering my garden*
spassing when entering my garden*