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File Retention by Solicitors

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  • File Retention by Solicitors

    Recently I have tried to release some equity in my home and have become aware of a charging order held by the land registry. I was ill before and after the time the judgement was made (2006), which is the reason I was not aware of the charging order, and I am now trying to resolve this matter. I have managed to locate some letters and files but not all. The judgement was in favour of a firm of solicitors who were doing work on my behalf. They knew I had limited funds as the reason they were employed was that they were pursuing a large payment due to me. I was eventually unable to pay them and they wrote to me stating that they would not carry out any further work until the outstanding payment was made. I replied that I understand this and would try to pay them as soon as possible. I did not pay them as my ill health intervened and I had to fold my business. The judgement, it transpires, is for many times more than the ceiling which was set and when I was informed no further work would be done. I have a copy of my letter responding to the solicitors but not their letter and, as a result, I have asked them for some documents. The court order was provided to me but they say they don't have a copy of their letter as a result of the passage of time. My questions are: Should the solicitors have maintained this file? Why would they still have some documents (the court order) but not the letter they wrote to me? Is there anything I can do? Thank you for any assistance.*
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