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JPS Financial

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  • JPS Financial

    Hi, I've just had an email from jps financial saying that I will be charged for not returning a letter of authority? I do not remember signing anything from them in the past and just wanted to know if they can legally do this? As far as I can tell, it's a generic email and is as follows:

    We write in respect of the above matter and further to the Letter of Authority (LOA) we have sent to you to sign and return to us.

    As you will be aware, we have been trying to contact you on numerous occasions for you to sign and return the required LOA.

    Under our contract, we have the right to charge a fee for work done in cases where you have not provided the required documentation for us to progress a case on your behalf. We are permitted to charge a fee of £95.00 per hour. To date, our time costs spent on this matter amount to 2 hours. As such, our fee is £190.00 but, in such circumstances, we would limit the amount to £150.00 as a gesture of goodwill.

    However, we can assure you that we really do not want to charge you this. As such, we are willing to forego this fee on the understanding that we receive your signed LOA in the next 7 days. Accordingly, please sign and return the LOA in the pre-paid envelope we originally provided to you.

    However, if you have already sent this back to us, we sincerely thank you for actioning and you can ignore this correspondence. We will be in touch with you should we require anything further.

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