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Parking fine on private land/wilkinsons ...how to proceed?

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  • Parking fine on private land/wilkinsons ...how to proceed?

    I recently met an 82 year old old lady living around my area, she has had some bad luck so have been trying to help her.. I went to see her one day and she was telling me about a parking ticket she received, and challenged, whilst there I looked at the paperwork.. it turns out she actually had 3 parking fines not 1.. and she didnt even realise it was for this place, she thought it was for going in to an NCP one day when she didn't even park there... so obviously her challenge would not have been heard as it would have made no sense relating to these tickets.

    The tickets are actually due to parking behind a wilkinsons's store, which she believed to be the customer car park, which is in fact not. So she has 3 parking tickets for using this private land, at £60 each, from Premier Parks. I think 2 of which will have now gone up to £100.

    I have successfully challenged my own fines before with things like this so offered to help.. however am not sure of the best way to proceed.. she has already sent a cheque because was scared about not paying, though has been told they have not received it despite having had the letter signed for at at this point that payment still not taken. And at the point of sending she thought she had 1 ticket, not 3!

    Will sending one cheque mean she is admitting fault and therefore has to pay all 3? She obviously knows not to park there now but she has made a genuine error and I feel terrible for her so any help would be appreciated thank you.. I have attached one of them.. the others are basically the same just different dates though for 25mins not as long as this. She's obviously getting very worried now, I would really appreciate any help regarding this. Thank you.
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