Hi to all of you on here absolutely luvin this site.
Kinda just stumbled across legal beagle this afternoon, you all seem very friendly.
I'm hoping to begin the process of reclaiming charges and from my bank and a couple of credit cards.
Will go and have a nosey around with my glass of wine if you don’t mind.
Hope to get some advice from you guys when I'm ready to start.
I look forward to speaking to you all!
Mwah xx
Kinda just stumbled across legal beagle this afternoon, you all seem very friendly.
I'm hoping to begin the process of reclaiming charges and from my bank and a couple of credit cards.
Will go and have a nosey around with my glass of wine if you don’t mind.
Hope to get some advice from you guys when I'm ready to start.
I look forward to speaking to you all!
Mwah xx