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  • What do you put in where?
    Enaid in google, I get all sorts, is that what you mean


    • Yup, lots of Enaid references in google for you enaid. But I don't see YOU anywhere.

      But if you just put in luggerbugs, look what pops up as the first item?

      Dunno how long for, though.
      My Blog


      • Number 1 eh can't be bad, I didn't know all and sundry could read your posts by just googling you, learn something everyda, just got to remember it lol


        • Just try googling Cabot, and see what pops up. They are very popular people. :devil:
          My Blog


          • Is it the Ice cream firm you are having trouble with? pmsl, did they leave your flake off your 99? :banana:


            • Banana - split.
              My Blog


              • Evening All
                Hows everyone been today.
                Hot today, its been cracking the flags here.
                Cases all all the airport ready for tommorrow


                • ooo pkea u leaving the country just when the floods are coming again!? good move u packed the ark for when u return!? lol


                  • I live on top of a hill, If I'm flooded theres SERIOUS trouble..


                    • Pkea, its a bit like that where I am, up a ruddy great hill from the town/village centre, if we flood up here then Padiham is wiped off the map!

                      Hope you have a great holiday, just remember us all left behind slopping about in our wellies!


                      • Morning,
                        Oh it's a little overcast here don't think it's going to be nice like yesterday. I am working so it won't bother me too much, feel sorry for any one who's not though.
                        Happy holidays Pkea, don't forget me rock lol.
                        Anyone else got any jollies coming up? post now and get it over with, I prefer to get my depression over with all in one go. Then there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I can start to buck up.
                        Appears half hour MP's have been pot heads in the past, most of em are a lot worse than that now, don't know the big words for lying, two faced cheating, B's, so I will just put that lol
                        Feeling better already, I'll have another brew.


                        • morning all,had thunder storms last night and now its dark and raining again!
                          at least its friday!
                          I work outside so I am going to be a very wet person by the time todays over...wonder if the kids will let me have a bath after work!?
                          daughters ill again and son still has chicken pox and im still feeling a bit c*** so nothing nice to look forward too....oh by the way enaid im going away in august in a couple of weeks but its in the UK so I can look forward to more rain then!! well off to see what i can eat.... my body's decided its lactose intolerant so its pretty difficult! lol old age is creeping upon me i think!


                          • By the time you go away Archer all will be well, wonder why that Lactose thing has just kicked in? I know we get achy pains and that creeping up. The human body eh the mind boggles.
                            Big floods in some places again last night I know, must be awful. Like a woman said on tv it's all the personal stuff that you can't replace that is the worst to cope with as well as mess.


                            • morning all
                              Lugger the poem was beautifull, thank you
                              poor boy was very upset yesterday, wanted to go see where I'd burried him..... so the whole family took a walk...picked a few wild flowers along the way and left him alone for a few mins to say his goodbye..... bless him...he had himself a little cry put his flowers down and then came away.

                              The two remaining bunnies got lot's of cuddles last night too. (thank god I took an antihistamin) he insisted both bunnies had full health checks. so eyes, ears, weight...... signs of bloating....coat's groomed...claws checked and cut..... teeth. everything! blummin vet would not have checked them out as thourghly....lol


                              • ooo enaid that's good news, I'm glad you got it sorted
                                Archer I'll keep my finger crossed the weather picks up before you go away! think my kidss are in for a washout! my brother is taking them camping in Cornwall for the week...next week!!! he's picking them up this saturday! hope the campsite is on a hill. at least they've all got air beds, so if they flood during the night...at least they'll float ....lol


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