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Christmas.. through the eyes of kids

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  • Christmas.. through the eyes of kids

    I had to share this with you.

    As you know I have 3 kids I dote on, I mean if there was a worlds soppiest Mam award, I've won it!!

    My eldest son is 7 and my daughter is 9 and the imagination of them! Tonight, after corralling them in the bedroom, sorting out christmas stockings and Santa's whiskey and brandy cake ("Not too much Mammy.. He's driving!") I was sitting doing Labman's quiz when I heard 2 little voices, intrigued I listened.

    This my friends, is Christmas through a child's eyes.. and how Christmas Eve is meant to be spent.

    Daughter will be in purple, son in blue.

    Santa has an elf that drives the sleigh so he can drink the whiskey, cos you mustn't drink and drive, Dad says!

    Rudolph's nose is red cos he ate a lightbulb, and Santa shouted and Rudolph sneezed. It got stuck but it's very useful cos the planes can see him and he doesn't crash.

    Santa has a magic watch that he winds up on Christmas Eve, and it stops the minutes from working!

    Santa can speak cat, dog, mouse, horse, reindeer and goat. (when asked why goat his reply was why not?)

    All the toys he brings creep out your stocking and play with your toys when your asleep, and creep back in before the morning!

    Santa has a little baby who tests all the baby toys so they wont have bits that fall off.. so the babies wont get sick!

    Mam and Dad stay up late Christmas Eve to let Santa in, because we haven't got a chimney!

    We won't see Mammy kissing Santa, cos my dad won't let him.. and Mrs Santa will hit him with the rolling pin if he does!

    Santa wrote jingle bells.

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