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Diary of a tenant: trials of flat hunting

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  • Diary of a tenant: trials of flat hunting

    Temporary employment, housing benefit cuts and a lack of time all add up to a stressful and unsuccessful flat hunting trip

    Part nine Playing by the rules offers protection … for now
    Flat hunting in a hurry is never a good idea, but I need to get out fast – my notice period is expiring. This is an especially difficult time to be a no/low-income tenant, especially one without a guarantor and in temporary or short-term employment.
    Housing benefit cuts force us to chase a restricted pool of flats within Local Housing Allowance limits. One property I viewed was affordable, but the tenants were leaving because of the building's disrepair and the landlord's inaction. I noticed that attempts had been made to kick in the main door.
    Everybody I know has a horror story to tell about landlords: of tenants given notice after asking for a leaking roof to be mended; or nice, friendly owners who ignored a collapsing ceiling for months. Some tenants moved out, others were evicted – one unlawfully and violently. Many of these stories begin "When I was a student …"
    Most people sympathise with me, or have been in my position. Even so, if you need somewhere to stay urgently it is interesting to see how friends react. Most just don't seem to understand the time constraints. They perceive me as strong and clued up. How can this happen to someone like me?
    One group of friends have an empty room, but have become the default destination for a constant stream of refugees, all between flats after relationship break-ups, for reasons similar to me, or when hosting guests from abroad. Quite understandably they have grown tired of this and politely decline my request, with the caveat that they wouldn't see me on the streets.
    Another lives with elderly parents, but if I am truly desperate, I can stay. Having a homeless person show up would be hugely disruptive, so that's the absolute last resort.
    This is the prevailing view: nobody would see me on the streets, but nobody will commit to letting me stay, so I don't end up there. Hosting a distressed lounge-squatter is an inconvenience, if not an actual pain. Many people wonder why I don't move to a hostel or a cheap hotel. In an emergency, I might have to, but what if I need to stay long term?
    Mercifully, one friend totally understands my plight as she has been in a similar situation. She kindly circulated an email asking if anyone has space and/or a temporary room.
    I could apply to the council and declare myself homeless, but as a fairly healthy childless person, I'm hardly a priority.
    Anyone believing that I am being picky for wishing to avoid these options has no idea. No idea at all.

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