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Letter from Solicitors

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  • Letter from Solicitors

    Hi all

    My daughter has received an email from FlintBishop stating that she owes money to A1Comms t/a Buymobiles.net. She believes that her estranged husband may have tried to sign up for one when they were still together early last year and knows nothing about it. Looking on their site there is a 'Check my Order' tab which she used only for them to state the order had been cancelled. However she had made the mistake of replying to the email offering to make payment before looking into it further, as she is really a bad way with mental health issues.

    Any help would be grateful thanks.
    Tags: None

  • #2
    You don't need to start another thread.

    Email the following:

    Replace the second line with the following, 'Further to my recent email of XX/XX/XXXX, having checked my records again, I have no knowledge of any such debt being owed to XXXXXXX.'


    Update the thread.


    • #3
      Thank you Echat11


      • #4
        Originally posted by echat11 View Post
        You don't need to start another thread.

        Email the following:

        Replace the second line with the following, 'Further to my recent email of XX/XX/XXXX, having checked my records again, I have no knowledge of any such debt being owed to XXXXXXX.'


        Update the thread.
        Hi Again

        Having sent that email you suggested she has now received this reply
        Good morning,

        Thank you for your email.

        Your email previously sent on 3rd January referred to yourself going to make a payment on the account.

        If there is a dispute on the account, can you please provide your position so we can investigate further?

        We look forward to receiving your response within 7 days.

        Yours Sincerely,
        To me it appears they have ignored the email she sent but focas oh the fact she offered to make a payment What would you advise please


        • #5
          I would advise that you provide your position so that they can investigate, as per the 3rd quoted paragraph.
          Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

          Litigants in Person should download and read the Judiciary's handbook for litigants in person: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mark2020 View Post

            Hi Again

            Having sent that email you suggested she has now received this reply
            Good morning,

            Thank you for your email.

            Your email previously sent on 3rd January referred to yourself going to make a payment on the account.

            If there is a dispute on the account, can you please provide your position so we can investigate further?

            We look forward to receiving your response within 7 days.

            Yours Sincerely,
            To me it appears they have ignored the email she sent but focas oh the fact she offered to make a payment What would you advise please
            You've said there is a dispute, so they are asking 'what is the dispute?' So you need to 'lay out' the dispute.

            Email back, stating the following 'She believes that her estranged husband may have tried to sign up for one when they were still together early last year and knows nothing about it. Looking on their site there is a 'Check my Order' tab which she used only for them to state the order had been cancelled.'

            You have a decision to make as to whether to include the bits that has been underlined. As far as they are concerned your daughter tried to sign up and place order as they are chasing her. You could state that her husband tried to place the order fraudulently.

            Attach a screenshot of the order stating it's been cancelled.


            • #7
              Thank you all I will keep you updated


              • #8
                Just want to let you know that since my last post on here she was asked to report that the order was made fraudulently by visiting https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/ which she did and send the Crime number back to the solicitors, which she did and she hasn't heard from them since


                • #9
                  Thanks for the update.


                  • #10
                    You're welcome and thank you for your advice


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