Need urgent advice on what to do next. Got a Parking fine last December from my local council (Harrogate). Completely forgot about it and yes, they did send reminders but I still didnt get round to paying it.....foolish I realise now.
I recieved a letter yesterday from Jacobs bailiffs (I wasnt in) stating REMOVAL 48 HOURS. The original charge from the council was for £82. The letter from Jacobs states I now owe them £392.
I rang the bailiff today to make an offer to pay but he said it was not possible to make an agreement and I had till Fri to pay the full amount or they would return with van. I did offer to pay the full amount next Thurs, my pay day but again he said that was not acceptable and I only had till Friday.
What I have done this afternoon is cheekily gone on the local councils website and paid the £82 to the council. It accepted my payment. So now what happens? Because the council have accepted the £82 will they call Jacobs off? Will Jacobs still insist on the full payment of £392 to them on Fri, which incidently I will not be able to pay.
Any advice gratefully recieved.
Mr Eddie Robinson
Need urgent advice on what to do next. Got a Parking fine last December from my local council (Harrogate). Completely forgot about it and yes, they did send reminders but I still didnt get round to paying it.....foolish I realise now.
I recieved a letter yesterday from Jacobs bailiffs (I wasnt in) stating REMOVAL 48 HOURS. The original charge from the council was for £82. The letter from Jacobs states I now owe them £392.
I rang the bailiff today to make an offer to pay but he said it was not possible to make an agreement and I had till Fri to pay the full amount or they would return with van. I did offer to pay the full amount next Thurs, my pay day but again he said that was not acceptable and I only had till Friday.
What I have done this afternoon is cheekily gone on the local councils website and paid the £82 to the council. It accepted my payment. So now what happens? Because the council have accepted the £82 will they call Jacobs off? Will Jacobs still insist on the full payment of £392 to them on Fri, which incidently I will not be able to pay.
Any advice gratefully recieved.
Mr Eddie Robinson