Apologies if this is in the wrong place but here is a quick precis of events for context:
Many thanks in advance for any help Forum members can provide.
Apologies if this is in the wrong place but here is a quick precis of events for context:
- I received a CCJ in February 2017 for a parking charge notice after the LBC was sent to an old address.
- I successfully applied for the CCJ to be set side, attended the hearing where the DJ duly ordered the particulars of Claim struck out for failure to comply with CPR. He also ordered the Claimant pay me the £255 set aside fee.
- That was on 26 June 2017. The N24 Order arrived two weeks later dated the 11 July 2017 and this is where the problems start.
- The order stated that Claimant may file and serve a compliant Particulars of Claim by 10 July 2017 and pay the defendant's application for £255 by 10 July 2017. As there was a delay in processing the N24 the Claimant would have not had time to comply with this.
- The address stated for service (my address) was incomplete, giving only the road name and post code and not the house number.
- I’ve since written to the DJ and Court on several occasions pointing out these errors and that the Court has not processed the order so that the CCJ can be removed from my credit file. They have not responded to any of my communications and it is impossible to get through on the phone.
- I am using the Resolver tool to process a complaint against the Court and get the CCJ removed from my file.
- I am interested to if anyone has experience of a similar situation and options regarding procedure: Do I need to wait for the Court to send an amended N24 to the Claimant and wait for for amended Particulars or an official discontinuance? I would then seek to enforce the order to receive the £255 set aside fee and seek costs.
Many thanks in advance for any help Forum members can provide.