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Housing Association

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  • Housing Association

    Good afternoon - long time lurker here - first time poster.

    I am seeking you wonderful folks advice, if i give you a brief outline someone out there may be able to help and advise.

    In February this year my Housing Association employed a big company to refurbish my kitchen - the rest is as follows:

    On Day 1 - the builders failed to protect my appliances and as a result my cooker lid got damaged

    The builders damaged my hallway decor that had only just been finished

    On Feb 12th i had an important appointment in London it was then that i stupidly left the plasterers in my home alone - i had locked the doors in my home that could be locked.

    When my appointment had finished i contacted my neighbour to see if the builders were still there - it was then that she told me that my front door was open and my home had no power! I felt physically sick! I asked her to secure the door she did this by simply releasing the latch - NO key was required to secure the property. I then headed home thinking allsorts.

    When i finally arrived home the house was in darkness - i tried the trip switch but had no luck - i went running upstairs to see if my pets were still safe (they are indoor cats) and checked around to see if anything was missing, i discovered a small pouch was missing that contained jewellery and watches. I immediately contacted the police who arrived fairly soon afterwards - in the meantime my neighbours friend was trying to find the fault that had caused the electricity to cease - the fault being wet plaster behind a plug socket. The police looked around the house - there was no sign of forced entry, they left me a card and left.

    I was left in shock - in tears etc.....the following morning i called my housing assocaition - that afternoon they sent a representative around - she also attended with a representative from the building company. She took a statement from me and he listened he then went out into the kitchen to look at the works.
    It was at this meeting that it was agreed the builders could complete the job only whilst i was there - if i had to go out work would stop.

    Two days later i contacted the builders Resident Liasion Officer to ask where the builders were she informed me that there was a hold on my property - i contacted my HA and it was the first they knew of it! It was later agreed that the works would be completed by a different builder.

    Meantime the head of builders customer support contacted me and i was told to get a list of all the property stolen and the valuations - i duly did this at cost to me and sent the documentation off.

    During this time i had noticed that the plasterers had left dangerous live wiring simply hanging from the walls - i took photos and my HA sent someone round to make safe these electrics.

    At the handover from the original builders to the new ones i informed them of all my concerns - losses, damaged property, stolen property etc, my HA asked the original builder that when delivering the kitchen that they check over it to make sure all is correct (upon deliver a few weeks later there were parts missing, parts damaged and one cupboard had even been used as a bench saw!!!

    A month later i had a generic letter from the builders loss adjusters telling me that they were looking into this case.

    Fast forward a couple of months - my HA have attended - they have agreed to replace the damaged cooker lid, find me some replacement paint for the hallway and give me a £100 towards redecoration. They are looking towards the original builders to compensate for the stolen property.

    I contacted the loss adjustors just yesterday where they told me that the original company had sub contracted out the plastering and that i should be looking at that company for the claim, the man also told me the builders had said that they left my property secure with the door closed, i told him i have independent witnesses(my neighbour and her friend) to confirm the door was left open, the neighbour even confirmed this to the police

    I have so much more to write but this it the brief outline - can anyone advise please? Thank you in advance
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