Please could you help me out? I have been renting a one bedroomed flat in Milton Keynes for about 3 years now and this week I received a renewal email notice from the estate agents asking me if I wanted to renew my tenancy, so I replied yes and for 12 months, I signed a form on the email stating this. The next day i got a letter confirming that the Landlord had agreed to extend my tenancy for another 12 months, which is all good for now, later during this letter the Estate agents referred to my deposit of £1,012.50 which they are holding in an account and the new law concerning this that came into force on the 1st June 2019, and that I am entitled to a refund of £233.65, BUT in their letter they state; "Please note, the refund will be processed within 28 days of the renewal date, (October 1st 2019) providing we are in receipt of the enclosed form" (The enclosed form is asking for my bank details account number name of account and sort code). I have filled that form in and sent it back.
My question is Can they hold onto my refund for that long when the law came into force in June this year?
My question is Can they hold onto my refund for that long when the law came into force in June this year?