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Googles reCaptcha - Slave labour?

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  • Googles reCaptcha - Slave labour?

    So I was wondering. Since google reCaptcha whole purpose was to train AI, first with digitizing old books, then with addressing maps and now to train self-driving cars.

    You are forced to fill out these captchas to access sites, signup and to do other things which are restricted from you unless you did this task, for free, for google to profit from. There is no opt-out, no compensation and no contract which legislates you HAVE to do this. But you are forced to! Or you dont get access to that thing you are trying to access.

    Isn't that technically slave labour? Google could easily hire people to do this, but instead forced everyone on the internet to do it.
    Amazon also does this, But you get paid its called amazon mturk where you do these sorts of tasks and can make money doing it.

    I feel like there are some legal grounds for a class action here. Google duped the whole world to do a labouring task for free without asking if they wanted to.
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