I am looking for some advice on a child access case. My ex partner assaulted himself to try to get me arrested during a handover with our infant child. During the court proceedings I raised this as a concern I would like to pursue and the cafcass members (female) at court were extremely understanding and almost agreed it was a concern. Section 7 cafcass report was issued and I had my interview today with our new cafcass court advisor (male) who didnt seem to acknowledge any sort of risk with this behaviour from my ex partner and put forward hed happy to go with 50 50 care. My ex partner has moved away from our child causing issues with handovers and additional travel and there have been many other issues of his irratic behaviour but this 'self harm' being the most alarming. I think every other weekend with him is enough and the odd day or evening inbetween but no mid week staying as it will upset our childs routine. Also i have requested i receive daily updates when the child is not in my care due to age and the cafcass guy didnt seem to understand why this was so important and viewed it as a 'demand'
Does anyone have previous experience or advice about challanging/disagreeing with the outcome of the section 7 report? It concerns me the male support worker did not understand my views as a mother
Does anyone have previous experience or advice about challanging/disagreeing with the outcome of the section 7 report? It concerns me the male support worker did not understand my views as a mother