I wish I didn't find myself on an internet forum asking for advice in this kinda of area, but here we are.
Firstly, I will say I currently have a solicitor who is working for me and giving me some legal advice.
I will first give some background. My (now) ex partner is bipolar and has abused me for the majority of our relationship. I stayed because we have two sons together, although our relationship was always on and off.
In June of this year, we had a reconciliation, where she begged me to return to a relationship with her, just after a suicide attempt by her where she was "picked up" by the police under the mental health act and as such I did (stupidly).
By the weekend before fathers day (I forget the date exactly) I had once again left her due to her constant abuse and harassment. On the Saturday just before Fathers day, she went to the police with allegations of sexual assault against me, (she had originally put in claims of this in April, but asked the police not to pursue them as it was a misunderstanding).
She then had me arrested for harassment in the following weeks, which was dropped by police, at which they questioned me about the sexual assault claims and I went no comment for their questions.
The police asked me in "for a chat" to the police station, at which point I was handcuffed and held until transport was available, no explanation was given as to why, and the officers freely admitted they were just told to arrest me, not why.
She again had me arrested for harassment in July (apologies but the exact dates elude me).
This time I was picked up from work at 2pm, after she had given evidence at 11am, of which it was simply a bill screen shot and a request to act like adults and allow access to my children. I'll also note that there was not an officer available to deal with me until after 5pm. The police bailed me pending investigation, and once again questioned me about the sexual assault claims, to which I answered all their questions and no charges were brought. I was also given a harassment notice and my phone removed from my possession for evidence.
I returned under my bail conditions in August and found myself arrested for sexual assault, as she had produced new "evidence". I was also rearrested for breach of bail, as I was forced to use an old phone, which had inadvertently sent an old pending text message to her and I had also created an instagram account, which had added her automatically as part of the sign up process.
The police did not bring charges, but did issue a new harassment notice, as they admitted the first notice was wrongly issued. They NFA'd the sexual assault charges as they were satisfied that the evidence given by her did not prove guilt. They also told me I was not allowed to arrange child contact through a third party, as this would constitute harassment to her, and I would be arrested for such.
This is at the point she sent a text message to my mother stating that I had "got away" with sexually assaulting her, and as such she was cutting off all contact I had with my children.
Things quietened down at this point, and I started the ball rolling with mediation, and subsequent court action to enforce my parental responsibility.
This did not last long however, in which I had one of her friends constantly adding me on instagram, posting on my images of my children saying how "disgusting" I was for not seeing my children and messaging my friends telling them I was a rapist, etc. My ex partner also directly messaged my friends, sending them the "evidence" she had sent to the police and they had decided was not sufficient.
During this entire time, I kept contact with my children. In fact when we were still talking after our break up, she insisted I have more contact, and that the children needed me.
The first of which was actually IN her own home, with her dad present while she went out with her new partner.
This quickly changed after she accused me of hiding a pen drive in her underwear drawer, which was full of my old college work. Which obviously I denied. Subsequent visits were at her mothers house, which again continued until I had a misunderstanding with her mother and believed the children were unavailable so I did not visit them for a week, this caused arguments between her and her parents. The following weekend I was around 30mins late, and as soon as she was aware I was nearly there, she proceeded to attempt to make me break my bail conditions by turning up at the address. I obviously left before her arrival, so as to not cause distress to the children or risk my own freedom.
I was informed Wednesday (5/10/16) by email that there was a warrant for my arrest, and I was to submit myself to a police station immediately. I passed this information on to my solicitor, and the police would not release information on why this was. I was also made aware that my ex had text messaged my mother that morning, telling her that there was a warrant out for my arrest from 1/5/2016 and she should provide details of where I was living so i could be arrested.
I attended the police station the following evening and was arrested for harassment.
The evidence given was screen shots from a CCTV system allegedly showing my car driving past my ex partners new boyfriends mothers house. I was never actually shown these however. Also claims that I was spreading nails/screws outside my ex partners house, with no supporting evidence.
I denied the claims that me being outside alleged house was intentional, as I have no knowledge of his actual home address, nor would I be interested in such, as I am only interested in seeing my children.
I was charged with harassment on this basis by CPS.
She also appealed the decision by the police to NFA the sexual assault claims, to which the CPS decided to also pursue charges, no extra evidence was given for this.
Throughout all of this, I have collected evidence of my exes text messages to my mother, her friends online stalking of myself, the messages to my friends etc. This still continues to this day. I produced this information to the police on the Thursday that I attended, as instructed by my solicitor. They refused to pursue this as "it does not constitute harassment".
I also received a phone call from the police today (10/10/16) to inform me she had applied for and been successful in being granted a non molestation order, and that it was in the post to me.
I apologise for anything out of order, misspelled, or confusing in the above wall of text. It's a very stressful time for me and any advice would be appreciated.
I wish I didn't find myself on an internet forum asking for advice in this kinda of area, but here we are.
Firstly, I will say I currently have a solicitor who is working for me and giving me some legal advice.
I will first give some background. My (now) ex partner is bipolar and has abused me for the majority of our relationship. I stayed because we have two sons together, although our relationship was always on and off.
In June of this year, we had a reconciliation, where she begged me to return to a relationship with her, just after a suicide attempt by her where she was "picked up" by the police under the mental health act and as such I did (stupidly).
By the weekend before fathers day (I forget the date exactly) I had once again left her due to her constant abuse and harassment. On the Saturday just before Fathers day, she went to the police with allegations of sexual assault against me, (she had originally put in claims of this in April, but asked the police not to pursue them as it was a misunderstanding).
She then had me arrested for harassment in the following weeks, which was dropped by police, at which they questioned me about the sexual assault claims and I went no comment for their questions.
The police asked me in "for a chat" to the police station, at which point I was handcuffed and held until transport was available, no explanation was given as to why, and the officers freely admitted they were just told to arrest me, not why.
She again had me arrested for harassment in July (apologies but the exact dates elude me).
This time I was picked up from work at 2pm, after she had given evidence at 11am, of which it was simply a bill screen shot and a request to act like adults and allow access to my children. I'll also note that there was not an officer available to deal with me until after 5pm. The police bailed me pending investigation, and once again questioned me about the sexual assault claims, to which I answered all their questions and no charges were brought. I was also given a harassment notice and my phone removed from my possession for evidence.
I returned under my bail conditions in August and found myself arrested for sexual assault, as she had produced new "evidence". I was also rearrested for breach of bail, as I was forced to use an old phone, which had inadvertently sent an old pending text message to her and I had also created an instagram account, which had added her automatically as part of the sign up process.
The police did not bring charges, but did issue a new harassment notice, as they admitted the first notice was wrongly issued. They NFA'd the sexual assault charges as they were satisfied that the evidence given by her did not prove guilt. They also told me I was not allowed to arrange child contact through a third party, as this would constitute harassment to her, and I would be arrested for such.
This is at the point she sent a text message to my mother stating that I had "got away" with sexually assaulting her, and as such she was cutting off all contact I had with my children.
Things quietened down at this point, and I started the ball rolling with mediation, and subsequent court action to enforce my parental responsibility.
This did not last long however, in which I had one of her friends constantly adding me on instagram, posting on my images of my children saying how "disgusting" I was for not seeing my children and messaging my friends telling them I was a rapist, etc. My ex partner also directly messaged my friends, sending them the "evidence" she had sent to the police and they had decided was not sufficient.
During this entire time, I kept contact with my children. In fact when we were still talking after our break up, she insisted I have more contact, and that the children needed me.
The first of which was actually IN her own home, with her dad present while she went out with her new partner.
This quickly changed after she accused me of hiding a pen drive in her underwear drawer, which was full of my old college work. Which obviously I denied. Subsequent visits were at her mothers house, which again continued until I had a misunderstanding with her mother and believed the children were unavailable so I did not visit them for a week, this caused arguments between her and her parents. The following weekend I was around 30mins late, and as soon as she was aware I was nearly there, she proceeded to attempt to make me break my bail conditions by turning up at the address. I obviously left before her arrival, so as to not cause distress to the children or risk my own freedom.
I was informed Wednesday (5/10/16) by email that there was a warrant for my arrest, and I was to submit myself to a police station immediately. I passed this information on to my solicitor, and the police would not release information on why this was. I was also made aware that my ex had text messaged my mother that morning, telling her that there was a warrant out for my arrest from 1/5/2016 and she should provide details of where I was living so i could be arrested.
I attended the police station the following evening and was arrested for harassment.
The evidence given was screen shots from a CCTV system allegedly showing my car driving past my ex partners new boyfriends mothers house. I was never actually shown these however. Also claims that I was spreading nails/screws outside my ex partners house, with no supporting evidence.
I denied the claims that me being outside alleged house was intentional, as I have no knowledge of his actual home address, nor would I be interested in such, as I am only interested in seeing my children.
I was charged with harassment on this basis by CPS.
She also appealed the decision by the police to NFA the sexual assault claims, to which the CPS decided to also pursue charges, no extra evidence was given for this.
Throughout all of this, I have collected evidence of my exes text messages to my mother, her friends online stalking of myself, the messages to my friends etc. This still continues to this day. I produced this information to the police on the Thursday that I attended, as instructed by my solicitor. They refused to pursue this as "it does not constitute harassment".
I also received a phone call from the police today (10/10/16) to inform me she had applied for and been successful in being granted a non molestation order, and that it was in the post to me.
I apologise for anything out of order, misspelled, or confusing in the above wall of text. It's a very stressful time for me and any advice would be appreciated.