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Gifting money to help buy house

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  • Gifting money to help buy house

    Is there a way to give my son money to use as a deposit to help him buy a house for his family but in the event of him divorcing his wife the money lent is retained in full by my son.
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  • #2
    Hi STRIDER54

    Welcome to LB

    I don't think it's possible.



    • #3
      You refer to giving money and then to lending it. Which is it?
      Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

      Litigants in Person should download and read the Judiciary's handbook for litigants in person: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


      • #4
        I want to give, not lend so if sometime in the future my son divorces the the money given is retained by him.


        • #5
          If you give money to your son, it will become his money. That money, or assets bought with it, will have to come into the reckoning in any family court proceedings.

          Making a gift necessarily involves giving up control over the item gifted.
          Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

          Litigants in Person should download and read the Judiciary's handbook for litigants in person: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


          • #6
            Thank you Atticus and Echat11, clear and precise answers.


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