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Query/help required re: Workplace grievance please

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  • Query/help required re: Workplace grievance please


    I'm new to this site so hoping I've posted in the correct place - apologies if not! In brief, I work for a Government Department and have done for in excess of 10 years. No problems during this time until a new manager (who had never managed staff) began approx just over a year or so ago. All staff had concerns about her prior to implementation as we had worked with her in a different capacity before. For example, she would divulge personal information about other staff members that she was not meant to and make unpleasant comments. Something unpleasant and that nobody, especially a manager should do. I raised this with her line manager at least once, if not more and was advised to "see how things go".

    I kept a record of all incidents between myself and her over time as no matter how much I "tried to get on" as advised, she isn't someone you can do so with. I recorded over 8 incidents of bullying/harassment over time, accompanied by dates and where possible times and names of witnesses. The bullying has also been combined with discrimination as I am disabled and verbal comments have been made on several occasions along with failure to make reasonable adjustments.

    The final straw was in June when I ended up being signed off sick by my GP as a result of this. He stated not to return until they move me to an alternative role/area. The organisation have not been in touch despite me sending in fit notes until I made it a formal grievance.

    To complicate it further, I sent this in in July and discovered my union sat on the matter for a month. I initially was told they had raised it verbally for me with management as I wasn't at work so had no access to the grievance procedure as it's online. I then had to resubmit the grievance which was done in August, allegedly someone "impartial" interviewed me and investigated the matter but this was not til mid Sept. When the interview was conducted I knew the note taker so queried that and when the notes came back (Oct 10th) they were awful. I had to amend so much. I've had to constantly chase and say "when do I hear an outcome?"

    I received an outcome yesterday and it simply says that it hasn't been upheld. No reasons given. Also I gave the investigator over 8 incidents to consider. He, according to the letter, has only looked at the first 5.

    So, my questions are: 1) I know in order to take things to an ET you have only 3 months less 1 day and it has gone past this. However, this is not down to myself. This is due to the employer and union on 2 counts sitting on the matter. Where do I stand as I've informed them I will be appealing as the person in question needs to be held to account and 3 others have gone on sick leave, one has made it informal just too afraid to invoke the formal procedure like I have.

    2) I have contacted ACAS already to ask about time limits and claims as I'm aware it's better to exhaust the internal procedure first. They advised me to contact the ET service which I have who said ask ACAS! Help! 😕

    3) The union have a legal team and although I've begged them to utilise them seem reluctant to. I cannot afford a solicitor as I'm now on reduced pay.

    Sorry for waffling on - any advice appreciated ☺

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