Could I please ask for some advice regarding an investigation at work.
I returned to work on phased return after sick leave due to an operation. On my third day back I was given a letter stating I was under investigation but not told why. Ten days later I received a letter by post stating the investigation was due to an "alleged mismatch of data between my manual actions and actions taken on customer database" which occurred seven months previously. Basically stating I had made a telephone call on a certain date and time but the notes I made detailing the call did not match the telephone conversation recorded and inviting me to a meeting the next week. This took place last friday.
At the meeting the allegation was read out to me and I was presented with documentary evidence of calls I made on the date in question. As telephone calls are recorded on two different systems I received a printout from both and transcripts of two calls to which the allegation referred.
I pointed out that there were big discrepancies between the two reports (which should match) with calls showing on one report not showing on the other and vice versa, times of calls to the same number showing at randomly different times on each report and the call duration time was different for every call.
The investigating manager immediately adjourned the meeting to reinvestigate the call logs.
My question is - can these logs be used as evidence of what could be gross misconduct disciplinary ??
I have been so distressed over this, I haven't slept and both my work and home life is suffering.
I know me and I know my working practices and have never in six years, knowingly entered incorrect information or acted in any way which could be construed as unprofessional, I pride myself that any work completed is to the best of my ability. Thank you for any advice you can give.
I returned to work on phased return after sick leave due to an operation. On my third day back I was given a letter stating I was under investigation but not told why. Ten days later I received a letter by post stating the investigation was due to an "alleged mismatch of data between my manual actions and actions taken on customer database" which occurred seven months previously. Basically stating I had made a telephone call on a certain date and time but the notes I made detailing the call did not match the telephone conversation recorded and inviting me to a meeting the next week. This took place last friday.
At the meeting the allegation was read out to me and I was presented with documentary evidence of calls I made on the date in question. As telephone calls are recorded on two different systems I received a printout from both and transcripts of two calls to which the allegation referred.
I pointed out that there were big discrepancies between the two reports (which should match) with calls showing on one report not showing on the other and vice versa, times of calls to the same number showing at randomly different times on each report and the call duration time was different for every call.
The investigating manager immediately adjourned the meeting to reinvestigate the call logs.
My question is - can these logs be used as evidence of what could be gross misconduct disciplinary ??
I have been so distressed over this, I haven't slept and both my work and home life is suffering.
I know me and I know my working practices and have never in six years, knowingly entered incorrect information or acted in any way which could be construed as unprofessional, I pride myself that any work completed is to the best of my ability. Thank you for any advice you can give.