Hi i found your site when clicking on the close connection between these 'specialist debt purchasers' regarding a debt from 2011 which has a nil balance and have in writing from Orange as agreed with them, dated 2013, yet 6 months later some jobsworth from orange decided to re-instate the debt and sell to lowell..aka all the other threatening and nasty letters from them, re; court, bad credit scoring and the likes...i was in dire unforeseen personal circumstances etc and was bombarded with these letters...when i phoned Lowel to provide me their demand they could only send the newly adjusted balance which was a few hundred short of the now county court demand yet said i still owe the whole lot anyway...ive spend way to much time on this for 10 months including my 38 year old Niece dying of breast cancer ...the judge has given me time to file a defence and seek CAB advice which i did yesterday taking 4 hours with travel....what im asking is that with this awful stress and threats including the time im going to have to spend getting their credit scoring removed, and time spent in general should i write something in my defence that i want some compensation for their wrong doing?...i even sent them a copy of my passport(Loweell) and the nil balance copy recorded delivery to prove my person now im worried that such a shady firm has my details and mug shot.
I imagine that this bad credit also attributed to my daughter being unable to obtain a student overdraft from HSBC for her Masters because of this address and obviously funding her extra at my cost. Its a nightmare and i have to have my defence in by tomorrow....i dont really understand counter claim but wondered if such is appropriate or at least asking for compensation....cheers
I imagine that this bad credit also attributed to my daughter being unable to obtain a student overdraft from HSBC for her Masters because of this address and obviously funding her extra at my cost. Its a nightmare and i have to have my defence in by tomorrow....i dont really understand counter claim but wondered if such is appropriate or at least asking for compensation....cheers