I have a claim for CCJ from Drydens on behalf of Erudio student loan. Due to life's usual issues covid, itu nurse, Marital breakdown, which i was left with alot of debt then moving, divorce, job stresses etc I wasnt communicating with the student loan debt people and here we are.
I agree i need to pay back the money i borrowed but cost of living means there is very little to spare. I would rather avoid ccj as it makes renting difficult.
Is there any advice available to help me avoid ccj being applied? I'm sorting out a DMP for other debts abd I've completed the budget.
I need to fill in these court forms and return
Thanks for any help you might be able to give
I agree i need to pay back the money i borrowed but cost of living means there is very little to spare. I would rather avoid ccj as it makes renting difficult.
Is there any advice available to help me avoid ccj being applied? I'm sorting out a DMP for other debts abd I've completed the budget.
I need to fill in these court forms and return
Thanks for any help you might be able to give