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Help and advice required with Telecommunications Co

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  • Help and advice required with Telecommunications Co

    I'm posting on behalf of a friend, so hope I have enough information for you all to try and advise.

    Sole trader had a telecoms company come in and state that they could beat the current price being paid with the current provider. A document was signed which was a quotation, showing the current price being paid to the current provider and, the new companies price (cheaper). I'll call the new provider Company X.

    Company X supply the lines etc and have then a third party have issued a hire agreement (83 months) for the phones, router, switchgear etc. The agreement with the TP has been signed, but the business owner has realised that the price quoted by Company A, is not the price being charged by the third party (higher price). Discussions with Company A are difficult as the Director doesn't communicate.

    What can be done about Company A quoting and getting a signature for the service, but then having the contract drawn up for a higher amount with a third party? I agree there should have been more due diligence from the sole trader, but it should be taken into account that he runs a small business, is restricted on office time and his skill is in other areas to business.

    I'm unsure that I am explaining everything very clearly, so I apologise if you need to ask further questions (I'm not the best at getting things across in writing. Any help or advice you guys may be able to give would be gratefully received.
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