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Last Activity: 29th February 2024, 11:34:AM
Joined: 28th April 2009
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Judgement by default, how long before requesting a warrant?
(Topic in the Court Claims and Issues forum)
27th April 2021, 14:38:PM
Judgement call on will
(Topic in the Wills,Probate and Bereavement forum)
20th September 2019, 10:48:AM
Judgement for claimant (from the county court)
(Topic in the Welcome Forum forum)
26th January 2020, 13:03:PM
Judgement for claimant (from the county court)
(Topic in the Welcome Forum forum)
30th January 2020, 08:56:AM
Judgement for Claimant (in default)
(Topic in the Received a Court Claim? forum)
30th June 2019, 16:11:PM
Judgement for Claimant (in default) incorrectly issued!!
(Topic in the Welcome Forum forum)
1st March 2017, 14:57:PM
Judgement for Claimant (in default) letter from County Court Business Centre.
(Topic in the Welcome Forum forum)
1st March 2022, 09:32:AM
judgement for claimant but how ??
(Topic in the Received a Court Claim? forum)
2nd March 2017, 21:59:PM
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