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Section 27 Trustee Act 1927 and other stuff...
(Topic in the Wills,Probate and Bereavement forum)
21st September 2016, 21:43:PM
Section 75 - Valid Claim?
(Topic in the Credit Cards / Store Cards forum)
6th September 2020, 21:34:PM
Section 75 claim for used car - success! now what do with the vehicle?
(Topic in the Credit Cards / Store Cards forum)
20th September 2023, 06:11:AM
Section 75 on Second Hand Vehicle
(Topic in the Credit Cards / Store Cards forum)
19th May 2024, 11:10:AM
Section 75 PayPal credit card and car significantly not as described
(Topic in the Consumer and Civil Rights forum)
27th September 2018, 12:27:PM
Section 75 refused by Tesco Credit Card Debitor-Supplier-Creditor Link
(Topic in the Welcome Forum forum)
22nd August 2017, 17:44:PM
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