Hi, my husband had just received a letter from Cabot. It's asking him to contact them to arrange repayment. Default date was the 4/12. Balance is £4850. Any advice on how to deal with this would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
Cabot Financial - Lloyds Bank
Re: Cabot Financial - Lloyds Bank
Originally posted by bezbo13 View PostHi, my husband had just received a letter from Cabot. It's asking him to contact them to arrange repayment. Default date was the 4/12. Balance is £4850. Any advice on how to deal with this would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
Is this the first contact from Cabot?
Is there any mention of legal action in the letter?
What type of account was this?
It would help is you could post a copy of the letter after removing you name and address and any account numbers.
Please do not contact Cabot by phone keep everything in writing.
Re: Cabot Financial - Lloyds Bank
Thanks for your reply. There doesn't seem to be any threat of Court action just yet but they're also contacting him on the phone....he just ends the call after they've confirmed who they are. It either relates to an overdraft or loan, he's not too sure as he had two accounts. Can you please explain how I attach a copy of the letter. Thanks
Re: Cabot Financial - Lloyds Bank
Originally posted by bezbo13 View PostThanks for your reply. There doesn't seem to be any threat of Court action just yet but they're also contacting him on the phone....he just ends the call after they've confirmed who they are. It either relates to an overdraft or loan, he's not too sure as he had two accounts. Can you please explain how I attach a copy of the letter. Thanks
How frequent are these calls?
Re: Cabot Financial - Lloyds Bank
Originally posted by bezbo13 View PostHe's received 2 but has not confirmed they've got the correct person, he just ends the call. thanks
What we are looking if this was to considered harassment would be 2 + calls a day at present the calls seem reasonable in frequency.
- 1 thank
Re: Cabot Financial - Lloyds Bank
Originally posted by bezbo13 View PostHi Nem,
Thank you for your reply. We will keep a track on how often the calls are if they increase.
Should we reply to the correspondence? I'm concerned they'll apply for a CCJ.
kind regards
Is there written confirmation as to what Cabot are chasing ? Can you post copies of correspondence please.
Re: Cabot Financial - Lloyds Bank
Originally posted by bezbo13 View PostHi Nemesis, sorry for delay. Here is a copy of the correspondence. Thanks
There's just the barest detail re a Lloyds current account, do you have any history /details of this account e.g. when the account was last used?
Or the date the account was defaulted?
It may help to check your credit reference files, Noddle is Free Online.
Re: Cabot Financial - Lloyds Bank
Afternoon Nemesis,
Attached is a letter revived today but dated 13/07/16, they're either backdating letters or its been sent via snail mail!!
Not heard anything further from Cabot but I'm sure we will soon.
Thanks for your continued help with this matter.
Kind regards
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