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Last Activity: 20th November 2024, 17:44:PM
Joined: 11th October 2007
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Anybody have any help or advice please on Court Claims?
(Topic in the Bringing A Claim forum)
26th August 2021, 06:45:AM
Anybody know a good barrister ready to go to court
(Topic in the Bailiff Help ( Enforcement Officers ) forum)
24th May 2014, 23:48:PM
Anyone know anything about the Civil Procedure Rules 38.7
(Topic in the Received a Court Claim? forum)
14th January 2015, 11:16:AM
Apex Credit Mgt Reply to my CCA Request for the second time - what do i do?
(Topic in the Debt Collection Agencies forum)
27th April 2013, 17:18:PM
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13th December 2023, 06:21:AM
Appeal CCJ and lowell payment request
(Topic in the General Money & Debt Issues forum)
30th March 2017, 08:00:AM
Appealing a SCT hearing where judge I believe wrongly applied s127
(Topic in the Consumer Credit Act forum)
13th August 2020, 09:20:AM
Appealing against a Set Aside Notice (N244)
(Topic in the Business, Sole Traders & SME's forum)
18th May 2023, 12:50:PM
Appliation to set judgement aside
(Topic in the Court Claims and Issues forum)
9th October 2019, 16:13:PM
Application against us for forgetting statement of truth
(Topic in the Personal Injury forum)
28th March 2019, 11:12:AM
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