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Last Activity: 28th November 2024, 19:18:PM
Joined: 4th June 2014
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Just got a settlement offer, debating on whether or not to take advice of lawyer.
(Topic in the Personal Injury forum)
19th June 2021, 17:31:PM
Land Compensation Act - Home Loss Payment and Disturbance Payment
(Topic in the Housing, Property and Neighbours forum)
27th November 2023, 21:07:PM
Landlord claiming we didn’t pay a deposit ( deposit scheme )
(Topic in the Housing, Property and Neighbours forum)
7th September 2019, 11:10:AM
Landlord possibly selling my house
(Topic in the Housing, Property and Neighbours forum)
6th April 2019, 09:15:AM
Landlord return part of deposit before hearing
(Topic in the Court Claims and Issues forum)
16th September 2023, 05:38:AM
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