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Last Activity: 29th February 2024, 11:34:AM
Joined: 28th April 2009
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Mistake in Court Paperwork
(Topic in the Court Claims and Issues forum)
29th November 2018, 23:35:PM
Mistaken identity has ruined my credit report for a 3rd time
(Topic in the Wrongful Defaults forum)
7th April 2018, 14:52:PM
Misunderstood deadline for submitting defence
(Topic in the Welcome Forum forum)
11th February 2020, 09:26:AM
Misuse of court claim docs to threaten?
(Topic in the Housing, Property and Neighbours forum)
23rd June 2017, 19:16:PM
Mitigation of loss, what's considered reasonable?
(Topic in the Employment Law forum)
12th August 2021, 11:54:AM
MK Raven Recoveries and Barclaycard
(Topic in the VIP Cases - Live & Confidential forum)
10th August 2015, 19:23:PM
MKDP County Court claim on Barclaycard
(Topic in the Received a Court Claim? forum)
10th June 2015, 19:22:PM
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