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Last Activity: 24th September 2019, 04:10:AM
Joined: 28th February 2011
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Is a photo of an tenancy agreement legally binding?
(Topic in the Housing, Property and Neighbours forum)
8th October 2012, 17:18:PM
Is it possible to learn to read human's mind?
(Topic in the General Money & Debt Issues forum)
28th May 2014, 09:04:AM
is my Halifax credit agreement signed in 2006 properly executed?
(Topic in the Debt Collection Agencies forum)
5th October 2012, 17:29:PM
Is my wageday further finance agreement 10 months after I started using them?
(Topic in the PayDay Loans / Short term Loans forum)
9th February 2014, 16:14:PM
Is the company liable not to reduce my workload and premature birth for asshole boss?
(Topic in the Employment Law forum)
26th October 2012, 10:45:AM
Is the Forum playing up for anyone else?
(Topic in the VIP General Discussion forum)
21st August 2015, 00:08:AM
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