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County court buisiness centre claim form from Lowell

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  • #31
    Re: County court buisiness centre claim form from Lowell

    Originally posted by nemesis45 View Post
    Well the agreement looks complete.
    The statements you have received does not appear
    to be that which is required by CC A 1974: I.e. a signed
    Current statement of the account.

    I see that you query the balance that is claimed.

    Can we see the statements please.

    Thank you nem.

    Have you had chance to look at the statement I received?

    Thanks again


    • #32
      Re: County court buisiness centre claim form from Lowell

      Originally posted by bladesbird View Post
      Thank you nem and kati
      The CCA 1974 requires that a signed current statement of the account should be sent
      in response to a CCA request.

      My thinking is that with the agreement supplied + this statement that on the balance of
      probabilities a judge would decide that the debt is enforceable.

      Others may gave comments [MENTION=6]Amethyst[/MENTION] may have a view.



      • #33
        Re: County court buisiness centre claim form from Lowell

        Thank you nem

        A few things on the statement were free gifts, yet the cost of them as been added to the total. There's a couple of duplicate items on there to. Plus the statements don't added up to nearly £5000 they are claiming.

        How would I query the balance?

        Thanks again


        • #34
          Re: County court buisiness centre claim form from Lowell

          Is there nothing I can do except pay them the £5000 they are claiming?

          Would bankruptcy be my best option?

          Thanks again


          • #35
            Re: County court buisiness centre claim form from Lowell

            So I'm guessing there is nothing I can do except try to go bankrupt.

            Thanks for trying to help


            • #36
              Re: County court buisiness centre claim form from Lowell

              There's absolutely no need to go bankrupt - if you wanted to pay you can come to an arrangement to pay monthly based on your circumstances.

              If the statement they have sent you doesn't tally with the amount they are claiming you need to question that. I can't make out the wording on the statements but if there are duplicates and free gifts etc that wants questionning.

              Have you defended the claim through court already ? ( ah yes - and the case is on hold in court )

              Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

              Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


              • #37
                Re: County court buisiness centre claim form from Lowell

                Thank you for your reply.

                The claim is currently stayed

                How do I raise my concerns over the balance?

                Thanks again


                • #38
                  Re: County court buisiness centre claim form from Lowell

                  They are claiming that I owe £4721.06, but the document showing my account transactions adds up to £1964.67. Plus a few of the transactions were free gifts and there is also some duplicate transactions on there.
                  You would respond to their letter they sent enclosing the agreements, terms and statements and question the claim. you could also use this as a negotiation point to get the payments you want, if you didn't want to continue defending through court.

                  any chance of a clearer copy of the statement or is the actual copy hard to read ?

                  Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                  Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


                  • #39
                    Re: County court buisiness centre claim form from Lowell

                    They are the hard copies.

                    There's a few things on there that are just question marks

                    Thanks you very much for your advice I'll get a letter in the post today.


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