It dawned on me recentley that i could set up my own DCA
1. I buy debts for pennies which are written off as a loss and claimed back in end of year by big banks
2 I have drafted a letter for you potential scum of the earth debtors
can you afford to pay anything (the fact the debt is blah blah unenforceble) tick the appropriate bo...N_/ <------ see theres no option to say yes
3 I write the debt off as a loss against my buisness but having borrowed shed loads of money from one of the large lending institutions to stay afloat
the firm doesnt last and it go's week one of my buddies opens a buisness as a DCA
CAN ANYONE SEE A FLAW IN MY PLAN WITH THE EXCEPTION OF I DONT MAKE A CENT .............SERIOUSLY i think it could work out for lots of people
It dawned on me recentley that i could set up my own DCA
1. I buy debts for pennies which are written off as a loss and claimed back in end of year by big banks
2 I have drafted a letter for you potential scum of the earth debtors
can you afford to pay anything (the fact the debt is blah blah unenforceble) tick the appropriate bo...N_/ <------ see theres no option to say yes
3 I write the debt off as a loss against my buisness but having borrowed shed loads of money from one of the large lending institutions to stay afloat
the firm doesnt last and it go's week one of my buddies opens a buisness as a DCA
CAN ANYONE SEE A FLAW IN MY PLAN WITH THE EXCEPTION OF I DONT MAKE A CENT .............SERIOUSLY i think it could work out for lots of people