At the stage where sent Prelim on each account. They have not even acknowledgemed my prelim, but have sent offer on hubbys account of £378. Total claim on hubbys is £1030, charges alone, nothing else, so obviously sent nice letter back saying nada, and action in court unless you come back in two weeks with offer of full charges. That expires this coming Friday so if nothing, then court claim being failed.
Mine, they have sent nothing. Ignored me completely so sent LBA also nearly two weeks ago. Still nothing. Mines for £1025 charges alone, nothing else. Everything been sent recorded delivery so proof of postage and receipt on each and every letter so far............ but again, if no offer by Friday, then off to court, skipping and singing all the way, Lol xxxx:o
Mine, they have sent nothing. Ignored me completely so sent LBA also nearly two weeks ago. Still nothing. Mines for £1025 charges alone, nothing else. Everything been sent recorded delivery so proof of postage and receipt on each and every letter so far............ but again, if no offer by Friday, then off to court, skipping and singing all the way, Lol xxxx:o