Can anyone help? Trying to claim back charges from NatWest. Sent a letter to them outlining what I was claimimg on the 22nd May and recieved one this morning from them. They informed me that they were Considering my claim but it will take them 6-7 weeks to respond because of the work involved in the assesment! Seeing as In my claim letter I gave theym 14 DAYS to respomd what do I do now?
1. Allow them to take their time 6-7 weeks
2. Send another letter saying that I am not prepared to wait that long as they did not give me 6-7weeks to pay back before they put charges on my account???
Anyone who thinks they know what I should do please help.
Can anyone help? Trying to claim back charges from NatWest. Sent a letter to them outlining what I was claimimg on the 22nd May and recieved one this morning from them. They informed me that they were Considering my claim but it will take them 6-7 weeks to respond because of the work involved in the assesment! Seeing as In my claim letter I gave theym 14 DAYS to respomd what do I do now?
1. Allow them to take their time 6-7 weeks
2. Send another letter saying that I am not prepared to wait that long as they did not give me 6-7weeks to pay back before they put charges on my account???
Anyone who thinks they know what I should do please help.