Starting a new thread specifically for my claim that I got through court as far as getting a judgement. Bank then requested judgement be set aside pending the outcome of the test case. I filed online and so the PoC is copied from my initial letter: -
Due to recent media coverage on bank charges I now believe that you, HSBC have been charging me charges that are contrary to the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999. Schedule 2 (e) of the said regulations gives a non-complete list of terms, which may be regarded as unfair, such as a term that requires me as a consumer who fails in his obligation, to pay a disproportionately high sum in compensation.
I believe that your charges are disproportionately high and therefore they are contrary to the Unfair Terms in Consumer Regulations 1999. In addition I believe that your charges are a Penalty. Penalty charges are irrecoverable at common law. The precedent for this was Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co Ltd v New Garage and Motor co Ltd [1915] AC 79 along with Murray v. Leisure play [2005] EWCA Civ 963. It was held that a contractual party can only recover damages for an actual loss or liquidated losses. It is clear that your charges do not reflect any actual and or real loss.
Furthermore if you fail to comply with this letter, I request without further notice a breakdown and proof of all costs involved, in regards to your actual or liquidated losses involved in any breach of contract to which these charges relate with yourselves, and that these charges reflect your true costs in relation to the said charges, and are proportionate to the charges
levied on my account as defined in Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999. Schedule 2 (e).
The letter from the court regarding judgement set aside reads thus: -
1. Judgement set aside
2. Matter stayed until 28 days after judgement is given at the first instance in the Office of Fair Trading v Various Banks claim.
I have indicated on another forum that I currently reside in the US and therefore have to factor in extended delivery of any documentation. My questions really are: -
Are the PoC still relevant / valid?
Is it incumbent on me or HSBC to respond within the 28 days?
If the 28 days elapse will I have an option to act or does that need to be within the 28 days?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Due to recent media coverage on bank charges I now believe that you, HSBC have been charging me charges that are contrary to the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999. Schedule 2 (e) of the said regulations gives a non-complete list of terms, which may be regarded as unfair, such as a term that requires me as a consumer who fails in his obligation, to pay a disproportionately high sum in compensation.
I believe that your charges are disproportionately high and therefore they are contrary to the Unfair Terms in Consumer Regulations 1999. In addition I believe that your charges are a Penalty. Penalty charges are irrecoverable at common law. The precedent for this was Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co Ltd v New Garage and Motor co Ltd [1915] AC 79 along with Murray v. Leisure play [2005] EWCA Civ 963. It was held that a contractual party can only recover damages for an actual loss or liquidated losses. It is clear that your charges do not reflect any actual and or real loss.
Furthermore if you fail to comply with this letter, I request without further notice a breakdown and proof of all costs involved, in regards to your actual or liquidated losses involved in any breach of contract to which these charges relate with yourselves, and that these charges reflect your true costs in relation to the said charges, and are proportionate to the charges
levied on my account as defined in Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999. Schedule 2 (e).
The letter from the court regarding judgement set aside reads thus: -
1. Judgement set aside
2. Matter stayed until 28 days after judgement is given at the first instance in the Office of Fair Trading v Various Banks claim.
I have indicated on another forum that I currently reside in the US and therefore have to factor in extended delivery of any documentation. My questions really are: -
Are the PoC still relevant / valid?
Is it incumbent on me or HSBC to respond within the 28 days?
If the 28 days elapse will I have an option to act or does that need to be within the 28 days?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.