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Letters from Philips (PO Box 997 Doncaster)

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  • Letters from Philips (PO Box 997 Doncaster)

    Hi folks, need some advice regarding some letters I've been receiving and returning (without opening). About two weeks ago I received a letter with a return address of 'Philips PO Box 997, Doncaster, DN1 9GD', and what looked like some sort of debt collection/ notice for payment letter. I could just about read some of it by holding it up to a strong light source.

    I deliberately didn't open it as it had the wrong first name on the letter, although the surname and address detail was correct. I know I don't have anything outstanding, so it must be a case of mistaken identity or some sort of stitch-up. Maybe someone attempting to pass-the-buck by using my address, and taking a guess at my first name, who knows.

    The first two letters I received within about a week of each other, so I put them back in the post without opening them as 'Not Known at this address'. Today I received another one! Holding it up to the light again, I can just about make this out:


    We have now been in possession of your Distress warrant for xx days and you have not yet made full payment, or agreed an amount to pay. We appreciate that this may be an oversight, however, please do not ignore our attempts to collect this time.

    You have a further x days before we commence enforcement and recovery proceedings at which point our fees will increase your balance by £xxxx, however, the cost of attending your property and following the enforcement process. If you hare having difficulty making payment in full please telephone our call centre agents to discuss etc, etc

    If you fail to pay, or setup a payment agreement, our paid officer will be visiting your property and this will increase your balance by £xxxx

    I think I can just about make out a philips.org.uk and a reference to 'My Account'. I don't have any such account with Philips. nor would I appreciate any such visits from their 'officer'. What would be the best way to proceed with all this, and what to do if someone turns up at the door?

    Best regards,
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: Letters from Philips (PO Box 997 Doncaster)

    Hi Andy and Welcome to LegalBeagles,,I can't advise you but I'n sure one of the lovely people on here will be along shortly to help you


    • #3
      Re: Letters from Philips (PO Box 997 Doncaster)

      Philips are a firm of baliffs and a firm of debt collection agency

      if this is a distress warrant then Philips Collection Services are authorised to collect on


      in this case i strongly ask you phone them and ask what it is all about and then update your thread

      it could be

      tv licence for example

      have you moved address recently


      • #4
        Re: Letters from Philips (PO Box 997 Doncaster)

        Hi thanks for your reply. I have been at the property for over five years, and we have had a valid TV license since day one. The fact that they got my first name wrong makes me a little suspicious about the whole thing. It's almost like they're fishing for a victim or something.

        Is it still a good idea to contact them? Will they ask for any personal details? I'm worried they might then use those details to 'legitimize' the debt.


        • #5
          Re: Letters from Philips (PO Box 997 Doncaster)

          You should also contact the local HMCTS Enforcement Manager asap and find out what is going on. If there has been a blunder by someone somewhere or you have been the victim of mistaken identity or identity theft, this needs to be dealt with urgently.

          Contact your local magistrates court for the direct telephone number of the local HMCTS Enforcement Manager.

          I hope this helps.
          Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


          • #6
            Re: Letters from Philips (PO Box 997 Doncaster)

            Hi, thanks for that, I will definitely look into it on Monday.


            • #7
              Re: Letters from Philips (PO Box 997 Doncaster)

              Hi I found this thread by googling the PO Box address. for the past few months letters have been sent to my address in the name of a person I have never heard of. The latest arrived this morning. The first couple of letters I received in this name were from DVLA, not sure if there's a connection now to the more recent mail. So far I have just been returning mail as unknown.


              • #8
                Re: Letters from Philips (PO Box 997 Doncaster)


                I take it the more recent letters are from Phillips like with the OP. Do you know what the letters are, because if the first ones were from the DVLA then its legal philips maybe trying to collect on a warrant issued by the court. So you should follow the advice given already above and contact the courts.
                Please note that this advice is given informally, without liability and without prejudice. Always seek the advice of an insured qualified professional. All my legal and nonlegal knowledge comes from either here (LB),my own personal research and experience and/or as the result of necessity as an Employer and Businessman.

                By using my advice in any form, you agreed to waive all rights to hold myself or any persons representing myself of any liability.

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                The Governess; 6th March 2012 GRRRRRR


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