i closed my business down last year and owed a supplier 1100.00 that they hadnt chased me for last tuesdaya marstons baliff arrived at my home when i was out and posted a walkin possession through my letter box for my boat on my driveway
i sent them a letter by recorded delivery offering to apy in installments with a cheque enclosed
they replied after cashing my cheque by stating thet i was in arrears and had refused to sign the walking possession agreement they made no acknowledgement of my letter sent or payment proposition
their letter also states that they will be at my property on 23/03 with a removal company
what should i do next
i sent them a letter by recorded delivery offering to apy in installments with a cheque enclosed
they replied after cashing my cheque by stating thet i was in arrears and had refused to sign the walking possession agreement they made no acknowledgement of my letter sent or payment proposition
their letter also states that they will be at my property on 23/03 with a removal company
what should i do next