Is there any reason why the above two issues cannot be joined again, as most CT issues seem to be about bailiffs. I look almost solely at the bailiff section now (not that I can find it easily since it's disappeared from the top lol!) and so miss a lot of issues to do with CT, and possibly to do with Parking and bailiffs.
If they can't be linked for some reason, is there any way the posts could be moved into the bailiff section once it's clear that's where they should be?
I'm thinking that if I'm missing them, a few other people might be as well, some of whom could be really knowledgeable and helpful.
If they can't be linked for some reason, is there any way the posts could be moved into the bailiff section once it's clear that's where they should be?
I'm thinking that if I'm missing them, a few other people might be as well, some of whom could be really knowledgeable and helpful.