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LB Team Member
Last Activity: 30th October 2019, 13:57:PM
Joined: 13th June 2014
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Disputing 2 admin charges for 'late payment' by property mgt company
(Topic in the Welcome Forum forum)
8th September 2017, 12:09:PM
Disputing Damage Shortfall Charges
(Topic in the Vehicle Finance and Issues forum)
8th May 2017, 22:11:PM
Divorce - my husband wants my non-martial items
(Topic in the Welcome Forum forum)
8th December 2016, 11:08:AM
Do I have any rights regarding minimum wage
(Topic in the Welcome Forum forum)
25th May 2017, 18:32:PM
Do I have the right to own a bank account?
(Topic in the Banks and Building Societies forum)
19th April 2017, 07:17:AM
Do I have to Sell? (Scottish Law)
(Topic in the Wills,Probate and Bereavement forum)
17th December 2018, 11:35:AM
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