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LB Team Member
Last Activity: 30th October 2019, 13:57:PM
Joined: 13th June 2014
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**DISCONTINUED!!** Parking Control Management. Gladstones submitted Court Claim
(Topic in the Parking - Settled / Successful Cases forum)
12th April 2018, 11:15:AM
**DISCONTINUED** Cabot Financial AGAIN!!!
(Topic in the Cabot Financial forum)
15th November 2018, 13:20:PM
**DISCONTINUED** CCJ and Charging Order from Restons on behalf of Cabot
(Topic in the Cabot Financial forum)
29th January 2018, 17:10:PM
**DISCONTINUED** County Court Business Centre Letter Received
(Topic in the Concluded Cases forum)
29th January 2018, 14:23:PM
**DISCONTINUED** Lowell CCJ Court Letter - Debt 2009
(Topic in the Concluded Cases forum)
14th January 2017, 09:27:AM
**DISCONTINUED** Lowell County Court Business Centre Claim
(Topic in the Concluded Cases forum)
15th May 2017, 09:30:AM
**DISCONTINUED** lowell Portfolio 1 ltd v Danny Butts
(Topic in the Concluded Cases forum)
23rd January 2017, 21:21:PM
**DISCONTINUED** Motormile Finance / Moriarty Law vs ecalid
(Topic in the Concluded Cases forum)
26th February 2018, 10:40:AM
**DISCONTINUED*** Received a CCJ Claim from DLC / Mortimer Clarke
(Topic in the Concluded Cases forum)
9th August 2017, 15:45:PM
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