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Caught shoplifting in Boots - paid no polixe
(Topic in the Civil Recovery - Retail Loss Prevention forum)
27th April 2018, 20:00:PM
Caught shoplifting in tesco - Advice please
(Topic in the Consumer and Civil Rights forum)
9th October 2022, 11:15:AM
Caught shoplifting in TK Maxx
(Topic in the Civil Recovery - Retail Loss Prevention forum)
9th May 2019, 15:48:PM
Caught shoplifting in Waitrose, I am really scared. (and ashamed!)
(Topic in the Welcome Forum forum)
8th June 2021, 12:58:PM
Caught shoplifting on camera and they have me 7 times leaving with things in my bag
(Topic in the Welcome Forum forum)
10th March 2019, 09:37:AM
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