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Court lets woman off £8,000 loan - unenforceable loan agreement
(Topic in the News and Information forum)
7th October 2009, 01:33:AM
Court Tells Claimant To Repay £8k Settlement Paid In Error
(Topic in the Bank Charge Claims forum)
20th April 2010, 12:49:PM
Courts failing borrowers in arrears
(Topic in the News and Information forum)
10th February 2009, 06:44:AM
Covid-19 Self employed 3 year average - 1 bad year
(Topic in the Business, Sole Traders & SME's forum)
19th April 2020, 23:00:PM
CPMA to be renamed FCA
(Topic in the The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) forum)
28th March 2011, 06:05:AM
CPP fined £10.5 million for mis selling
(Topic in the News and Information forum)
16th November 2012, 08:03:AM
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