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*** WON *** Maude123 v UK Services & Support - Court date 6-8-15 Manchester
(Topic in the Concluded Cases - UKS&S forum)
6th August 2015, 15:34:PM
*** WON *** MIKE v BritishPassportServices - hearing 31st July
(Topic in the Concluded Cases - UKS&S forum)
31st July 2015, 11:30:AM
*** WON *** peterpiper v UK Services & Support Passport - HEARING 13th August
(Topic in the Concluded Cases - UKS&S forum)
3rd December 2015, 13:23:PM
*** WON **** Rebecca Smith v UKS&S - full hearing on 6th August
(Topic in the Concluded Cases - UKS&S forum)
6th August 2015, 11:31:AM
*** WON WON WON *** AlexY v BPS ***WON WON WON ***
(Topic in the Concluded Cases - UKS&S forum)
15th May 2015, 19:00:PM
*** WON WON WON *** Scammed v BPS - court date 7th July *****
(Topic in the Concluded Cases - UKS&S forum)
7th July 2015, 13:10:PM
**** Important New European Court Judgement - June 2010
(Topic in the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) forum)
20th August 2010, 10:49:AM
**** SUCCESS ***** Have a Stay Lifted or FOS?
(Topic in the Hardship Issues forum)
19th March 2009, 22:23:PM
**** SUCCESS ***** MR-MR Vs Natwest F.Hardship claim
(Topic in the Hardship Issues forum)
3rd May 2009, 13:59:PM
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