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Last Activity: 2nd December 2024, 18:49:PM
Joined: 17th January 2012
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Ed Miliband pledges new laws to clamp down on zero-hours contracts – Politics – News
(Topic in the News and Information forum)
27th April 2014, 10:42:AM
EDF insist that there is a meter at the property because they have "taken readings"
(Topic in the Utilities forum)
15th March 2014, 09:04:AM
Email verbal abuse and threatening behaviour
(Topic in the Civil Procedure Rules forum)
28th December 2013, 10:29:AM
employer creating disciplinary to affect new job
(Topic in the Employment Law forum)
31st August 2014, 13:15:PM
Employer disclosed medical information to colleagues
(Topic in the Employment Law forum)
25th July 2020, 13:20:PM
Employer saying I don't have right to Union Representative at Disciplinary Hearing
(Topic in the Employment Law forum)
14th April 2014, 22:00:PM
Employment law questions:- have I destroyed my possible career before starting
(Topic in the Employment Law forum)
16th December 2014, 17:41:PM
Employment Tribunal Issue - Bogle1972
(Topic in the Employment Law forum)
23rd February 2015, 22:11:PM
Enforcement Agent
(Topic in the Bailiff Help ( Enforcement Officers ) forum)
9th September 2014, 10:04:AM
Enforcement of fine against someone using my address
(Topic in the Bailiff Help ( Enforcement Officers ) forum)
3rd June 2014, 07:53:AM
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