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Last Activity: 3rd July 2024, 10:46:AM
Joined: 15th May 2007

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Think it's time he retired (Topic in the News and Information forum)
7th September 2012, 15:06:PM
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22nd August 2014, 12:49:PM
Third Party Debt order - VERY confused with lots of questions. (Topic in the Debt Collection Agencies forum)
30th August 2013, 22:59:PM
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17th August 2020, 13:40:PM
Third Year Law Students – Work Experience Opportunity (Topic in the News and Information forum)
29th May 2020, 07:20:AM
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22nd August 2014, 16:02:PM
Threat of legal action from Bank-smart (Symmetric systems) (Topic in the Claims Management Companies forum)
20th October 2021, 15:40:PM
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18th January 2013, 11:05:AM
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4th December 2011, 22:12:PM
Time to put the cards on the table (Topic in the Paul Tilley`s Blog forum)
23rd May 2014, 00:46:AM
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