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Crazy council
Last Activity: 4th November 2024, 16:30:PM
Joined: 13th December 2010
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Loveridge v London Borough of Lambeth [2014] UKSC 65 (3 December 2014)
(Topic in the CASE LAW forum)
3rd December 2014, 14:10:PM
M (Children) [2016] EWCA Civ 61 (02 February 2016)
(Topic in the CASE LAW forum)
2nd February 2016, 18:42:PM
Made bankrupt ex parte after getting ejected from hearing 4 asking 4 the DDJ's name!
(Topic in the Bankruptcy & Statutory Demands forum)
2nd July 2015, 16:49:PM
Man 'evicted over legal bill' after solicitor complaint
(Topic in the Wills,Probate and Bereavement forum)
8th October 2014, 10:34:AM
Managing agency insist i phone them
(Topic in the Housing, Property and Neighbours forum)
1st August 2023, 11:23:AM
Marston - Warrant issues (No Bail)
(Topic in the Bailiff Help ( Enforcement Officers ) forum)
6th September 2014, 09:29:AM
Misallocating payments and ignoring email to exploit Magistrates court costs
(Topic in the Council Tax Issues forum)
21st January 2020, 09:14:AM
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