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Crazy council
Last Activity: 4th November 2024, 16:30:PM
Joined: 13th December 2010
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home repossession from Lowell portfolio for a disputed statute barred debt
(Topic in the Welcome Forum forum)
31st August 2016, 07:57:AM
Horendeous Expereince Urgent Advise Required
(Topic in the Housing, Property and Neighbours forum)
29th October 2015, 15:06:PM
House buying/mortgage question/solicitor anti money laundering...etc..etc
(Topic in the Housing, Property and Neighbours forum)
2nd January 2019, 14:39:PM
House repossessions - what do judges decide?
(Topic in the Welcome Forum forum)
5th November 2014, 05:36:AM
House seller hid an entire damp room in basement.
(Topic in the Housing, Property and Neighbours forum)
1st October 2019, 18:40:PM
Housemate Not Paying Rent - Landlord won't seek possession
(Topic in the Housing, Property and Neighbours forum)
19th May 2016, 16:20:PM
Housing Association's SLUSH/Sinking/fund also known as provisions account
(Topic in the Housing, Property and Neighbours forum)
8th March 2016, 15:08:PM
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