Im in need of advice and you thoughts to the following please
Long story short. DWP sent confidential medical information to someone who it was not even relevant or related to. It was pure fluke the information picked up showed it to be someone known (not related or otherwise - purely friend capacity) It was all bought to the attention of the person it all related to, the person receiving all this info about them but under their name, address and NINO allowed them to scan each page relating to them for evidence of the breach. Contacted Information Commissioner's office and DWP to high light the breach. DWP requested all documents back (refused this and allowed copies only) also contacted MP. Is there anything else should be done or is everything right so far?
Update on above post. Integrity team contacted to say 3 members of staff facing disciplinary 1 manager 1 Discision maker and 1 contact centre employee.
Soloution offered - reinstatement of benefit back to how it was with monies owed going back to 15th april and put back into support group. £50 compensation.
Question is this acceptable? In my view its not because they shared and gave out detrimental information that shouldn't have been shared. Its almost as if they are saying "it's ok, your on benefits so it wont have caused you that much harm"
Whats your advice or take on it please, They are expecting a call back on Monday to say whether we deem this acceptable.
Long story short. DWP sent confidential medical information to someone who it was not even relevant or related to. It was pure fluke the information picked up showed it to be someone known (not related or otherwise - purely friend capacity) It was all bought to the attention of the person it all related to, the person receiving all this info about them but under their name, address and NINO allowed them to scan each page relating to them for evidence of the breach. Contacted Information Commissioner's office and DWP to high light the breach. DWP requested all documents back (refused this and allowed copies only) also contacted MP. Is there anything else should be done or is everything right so far?
Update on above post. Integrity team contacted to say 3 members of staff facing disciplinary 1 manager 1 Discision maker and 1 contact centre employee.
Soloution offered - reinstatement of benefit back to how it was with monies owed going back to 15th april and put back into support group. £50 compensation.
Question is this acceptable? In my view its not because they shared and gave out detrimental information that shouldn't have been shared. Its almost as if they are saying "it's ok, your on benefits so it wont have caused you that much harm"
Whats your advice or take on it please, They are expecting a call back on Monday to say whether we deem this acceptable.